Types of Reverses by Mint 5.- Period A.D. 348-355 |
Types of reverses in the Late Roman Bronze Coinage, indexed chronogically and by mints.
Period A.D. 348-355.
Click on the reverse to see the corresponding type.
Note: all the mints are in geographical order, that is to say, of North to South and of West to East.
Late Roman Bronze Mints (A.D. 313-498)
ALE | - Alexandria | CONS | - Constantinopolis | RAV | - Ravenna | |
AMB | - Ambianum | KYZ | - Cyzicus | ROM | - Roma | |
ANT | - Antiochia | HER | - Heraclea | SIRM | - Sirmium | |
AQ | - Aquileia | LON | - Londinium | SIS | - Siscia | |
ARL | - Arelate | LVG | - Lugdunum | TES | - Thessalonica | |
BAR | - Barcino | MED | - Mediolanum | TIC | - Ticinum | |
KAR | - Carthago | NIK | - Nicomedia | TR | - Treveri | |
Click on each period to see the corresponding types.
A.D. 313-320 | A.D. 318-324 | A.D. 322-331 | A.D. 330-350 | A.D. 348-355 |
A.D. 353-378 | A.D. 378-388 | A.D. 383-430 | A.D. 423-455 | A.D. 450-498 |